Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My new favorite TV show is the Medium. Yes, it is a little corny and, unless you believe in those things, a little out of this world, with the main character solving crimes by going to sleep and dreaming about what happened. But, there is a real-life dose of reality now in the show, with the husband of the main character a long time unemployed engineer.

In addition to the all important dreaming and crime solving, which is of course the basis for the show, we now see, if only briefly, the day to day problems of an unemployed professional as he struggles to cope with his situation, his family and trying to find another job. He is, by the way, an aeronautical engineer, which makes his situation even more difficult.

Granted, it is not the main plot focus, and if it was, it would probably be too depressing for anyone to watch. It does, however, give a picture of what it is like in today’s world and economy to have your life turned up-side-down. Last week’s episode even featured a plot line and guest character, also unemployed, who said that his family was falling apart and that he was “out of work so long that he almost forgot what it was like to work.”

Fortunately, I haven’t reached that point yet, or maybe I just have a long memory, but it is kind of refreshing to show a little bit of reality on something other than one of those “Reality” shows, which really aren’t so real anyway. I can’t wait to see how the show and the plot lines develop during the season.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


First of all, I am a Democrat and I supported and voted for Barack Obama in the last election. I still, for the most part, support him. I think he has some good ideas, and represents an enlightened change from the past eight years, and the policies and politics that got us into the real mess that we now find ourselves in, even though he hasn’t figured out how to fix the economy and the job situation, and partly as a result, I’m still unemployed. That said, I have to question, along with a lot of others on both sides of the political aisle, what has he really done at this point, and especially less than 2 full weeks into his presidency when he was actually nominated, to earn a Noble Peace Prize?

He had and still has some enlightened ideas. He is a gifted speaker, politician and, I guess, diplomat, but today, after almost 10 months in office, his list of tangible accomplishments are few. There is a lot of hope and potential, though, which is good and important.

So, why not give me the same chance? Sure, I’ve never run a major corporation. I’ve never been a Senior Officer responsible for some major innovation, product or project. I’m not a technical guru on the level of Bill Gates or even some talented high school students. I do have some good ideas, though, and of course, like Barack Obama, the potential to do great things. I know that if I am given a Nobel…..I mean a job, I have the drive and energy and potential to make the world, or the company, proud!

But, alas, it doesn’t always seem to work that way. There is no on-the-job-training on the job to get hired, and there is no hiring anymore for potential, especially when today there are 6.3 people competing for each open and available job.

For what it’s worth, however, if anybody is reading this and interested, I am ready, willing and able, with a ton of potential!